Sunday, October 30, 2011

Getting Back On Track

I'm back!!!!

Sorry about the unexpected hiatus but I was feeling a bit under the weather for several months. Finally took my happy azz to the doctor and started feeling better. Nothing serious, I just needed to learn to balance my life a little better. All work and no play makes for a very tired and out of sorts Elle. Not good.

Wynter's Blossom got delayed because I needed to rewrite a good portion of the final few chapters. It's in the final proofing stages now and should be out before the end of the year.  I've gotta give a special thank you to the team at Beautiful Trouble Publishing for their patience and guidance.  I'm so thrilled with the manuscript now and can't wait for everyone to read it.

I just submitted my second book. A novELLEa with one hot police officer and a sassy take no shit assistant district attorney.  It'll be the first in a series (cause I just have to write series). I'm also working on two more submissions I hope to have ready before the end of the year. With five more stories on the drawing board for 2012 look to be hearing a LOT from me.

Happily writing,
Chief Erotic Officer