The fifth installment in The Fast and The Furious franchise, Fast Five, hits theatres on April 29th. This film reunites actors Paul Walker and Vin Diesel who both starred in the very first installment a decade ago and also reunited in 2009 for Fast & Furious. Vin himself released one of the first teaser trailers on his Facebook page back in December. In addition to reprising his role as Dominic Toretto in Fast Five the hunky actor is rumored to be reappearing later this year as another of his famous on-screen alter egos Xander Cage in a XXX sequel.
Vin has been a personal favorite of mine for many years when it comes to man-candy inspirations. He’s got that multicultural flavor that leaves many wondering about his ethnicity mixed with a New York swagger that is undeniable in its appeal. I’m looking forward to seeing if the chemistry is still there between him and Paul Walker and also to seeing him go toe to toe with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Whew! I’m already feeling the effects of man-candy overload from the trailers alone.
Which installment of The Fast and The Furious is your favorite so far and do you plan on seeing the latest?
Happily writing,
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Vin is hawt while I am not fan of the fast and furious I loved the pacifier
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love Vin and the fast and the furious! WooHoo!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the man candy.